Our therapists in Haverford, PA understand and have years of experience working with patients who have depression problems. We understand that untreated depression can be debilitating. We work individually with every patient to tailor an effective solution and treatment to handle the stress of everyday life. We are among the best depression Therapists in Haverford, PA.
Why Choose Full-Spectrum LLC When you Need a Depression Therapist

How to Select A Depression Therapist
We recommend that you talk to more than one professional before making a choice on your therapist. Consider the following issues when deciding on a mental health professional and type of treatment:
- Check to make sure the therapist is experienced and has the training and credentials to handle depression and uses a treatment approach that coincides with your goals.
- Make sure the therapist takes your insurance or has a way for you to pay that will work within your budget.
- Look for a therapist that uses telehealth.
- Make sure the therapist can prescribe medication or refer you to someone who will do so if it is needed.
- Make sure the therapist works with your age group.
- Find out how long it typically takes until you “feel more like yourself”.
Treatment of Depression
Depression can be treated, and there are several things to keep in mind:
- Learning More: Sometimes depression results from an underlying medical condition. It’s best to learn more so that you can determine if that condition needs to be treated first. You should also determine how severe your depression is, which will impact the types of treatment you can expect to receive.
- Support of Family and Loved Ones: Never hesitate to discuss your depression with people who care about you. Asking for their help can often be very therapeutic.
- Therapy and Counseling: Therapy and counseling is the most important aspect of treatment in the case of depression. Sharing your problem and seeking counseling to deal with the problem helps a lot of depression patients to recover much more quickly than dealing with the feelings alone.
- Medication /Drug Treatment: Along with therapeutic exercises and counseling, medication also plays an important part in curing depression. It can take a while to find the right combinations of medications that work the best to treat your unique depression though.
- Changes to your Lifestyle: Many times a positive change to your lifestyle such as adding regular exercise, joining groups or adopting a pet can be helpful in depression treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions about Depression
What Is Depression?
Depression can be explained as a mood disorder. It can be defined as a feeling of sorrow, loss, or rage that interferes with the daily activities of an individual. It is fairly common in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that in any given two-week period from 2013 to 2016, 8.1 percent of American adults aged 20 and over had depression. Severe depression prevents those suffering with it from performing their day-to-day job and activities.
There are Various Reasons for Depression
- Physical Structure and Composition of the Brain – Everyone has a unique brain. Brain scans show a smaller hippocampus in some individuals with depression. The hippocampus also plays a part in long-term memory. Research suggests that on-going exposure to stress in this area of the brain inhibits the growth of nerve cells and may cause depression.
- A Family History of Depression – Individuals with a parent or relative that has depression have a two or three times higher risk of experiencing depression (or a 20-30 percent chance vs. 10 percent) than the normal person. It is important to consult your family history to look for evidence of various disorders or poor mental conditions.
- History of Other Mental Disorders – Depression is generally associated with or maybe reinforced by post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD), drug use disorders, and intellectual difficulties. Anxiety also contributes to depression. 50 percent of people who have depression also have an anxiety disorder.
- Stressful or Major Life Events – Assault, financial difficulties, the death of a loved one, or the loss of a job can all be catalysts for depression. Even positive life changes can spark depression. These can include changes such as a major transfer, getting married, graduation, having a baby or retiring. These incidents interrupt your schedule and may also trigger anxiety.
- Hormone Changes – Bouts of depression may be caused by menstrual periods, pregnancy, and giving birth.
- Various Physical Conditions – Things like chronic pain, lack of sleep, or headaches can lead to depression.
Symptoms of Depression
- Depression is marked by persistent sorrow, hopelessness, worthlessness, or emptiness. Much of the time, you usually feel down.
- A key sign of depression is that you no longer enjoy things that used to give you pleasure. It feels like you lack energy and are disinterested.
- Depression can be marked by excessive sleeping, having trouble falling asleep or always feeling tired. If you feel exhausted all the time, or you feel like you can spend days on the couch or in bed, you may have depression.
- Difficulty thinking logically or rapidly, recalling facts, focusing, or making choice can also be a sign of depression.
- Depression can be indicated by irritability, dissatisfaction, or pessimism.
- Another sign of depression is physical pains and aches such as headaches, stomach aches, or pain in your spine.
Types of Depression
- Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) – People with Major Depressive Disorder ( MDD) have psychiatric depression. It is a mood disorder distinguished by:
- Depressed state
- Lack of interest in usually enjoyed hobbies
- Changes in weight
- Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) – Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) is also referred to as recurrent depressive disorder. It is a chronic depression that has been present for at least two years. It may be moderate, mild, or extreme.
- Bipolar Disorder – Bipolar disorder is a mental illness marked by cycles known as a mania with abnormally excited moods. These phases can be mild or can be so severe that they detrimentally affect a person’s life, requiring hospitalization.
- Postpartum Depression (PPD) – Pregnancy may induce major hormone changes that can also trigger depression.
- Premenstrual Dysphonic Disorder (PMDD) – Irritability, weakness, nausea, moodiness, bloating, excessive appetite, food cravings, aches, and breast pain are some of the most common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and these may trigger depression in extreme cases.
Why Choose us your Depression Therapist in Haverford, PA
Choosing a therapist or counselor is just as important as your decision to seek help for your depression. We make sure that we make the process as easy as possible for you. If you are looking for a compassionate Depression Therapist who provides counseling in Haverford, PA, please contact me.